Do you know your colours?
It’s fair to say that nothing is black or white and certainly colours aren’t. (yes, black and white are non-colours). But do you have what it takes to know colours?
It has been proven that females can distinguish more colours than men. However, the human eye only has 3 colour receptor (while the mantis shrimp has 12, for instance). Therefore, there are, in fact, colours you cannot see. Can you think of a new colour? Have you ever even tried to?Kind of hard to imagine, right?
So what then? Let’s at least get to know the colours we do have. Here are some tables to help you with that. How many of those do you know by name? Tell us all about it.
Okay, this one is the hardest one. How is it possible to have so many different blacks?? True, there is just one black. The rest are dark, black-like… you pick.
And if you think these are all, you are wildly mistaken. So, no, I do not know my colours. But I certainly know them better than before this post.
Want to test your knowledge of colour: try this challenge